

The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to promoting and supporting academic integrity — a term that means being honest, trustworthy, responsible, and respectful in your writing, research, and coursework. UA students are expected to maintain a high level of personal integrity and to honor the values of our academic community — creativity, intellectual curiosity and discovery, collaboration, and independent achievement.

As the UA Student Handbook elaborates, this means that you should have the courage not to cheat, plagiarize, fabricate, or misrepresent (See the UA Academic Misconduct Policy for more details).

Putting Integrity into Action

Some ways you can put your integrity into action include

  • Citing all ideas that aren’t your own by giving credit to the original author
  • Respecting yourself and others by attending class, contributing to discussions and group activities, meeting deadlines, and performing to the best of your abilities
  • Collaborating with your peers only when it’s acceptable to do so (When in doubt, ask your instructor.)
  • Understanding and employing the style guidelines of your discipline (for instance, MLA, APA, CMS).

Because students come to UA with varied educational experiences and academic skills, the College of Arts and Sciences and its office of Academic Integrity Initiatives are also committed to supporting students who struggle with academic writing skills to ensure that they understand

  • what constitutes good writing
  • the importance of thorough and thoughtful reading
  • how to ethically integrate research into that writing

Faculty and students should find useful resources under the “For Faculty” and “For Students” tabs here.

Academic Integrity Workshops

If you are a student and you feel that you may need extra help with how to use sources in your academic writing, each semester we offer several FREE Academic Integrity Workshops covering the basics of source-based writing (summary, paraphrasing, quoting, citing, and documentation). Look under the “For Students” tab for links to a list of the workshops available this semester and to the easy online registration form.